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An Inside Look into Leather

by Jerry Juszczyk

As part of High Gear's continuing effort to provide information on all aspects of the gay community, we contacted one of the area's leather people for an interview on their unique brand of sexual expression. Alex Walker is a native Clevelander who recently returned from a two year stay on the West Coast. An active leather enthusiast, Alex has cultivated a good deal of knowledge and experience over the years. Here are his responses to questions put to him by our staff.

High Gear: What do you say in response to those who claim that leather or S & M behavior indicates severe psychological disturbance?

Alex: Well, I can't help but be discouraged. It is painfully apparent that there's a tremendous misunderstanding of leather, or as you say, S & M sex among most people. Those of us who are into leather are really just satisfying our sexual needs through the theatrical roles of domination and submission. The overwhelming majority of S and M activity consists of mind games living fantasies of control or being controlled. Very few of the sessions ever get into pain. In fact, the term S and M is a misnomer. On the West Coast our interests are referred to as the Western scene, our people, as the leather and levi set. It's funny how many straight people (and by that I mean gays, too) think that we're out to inflict pain on everyone we come in contact with or that we're the type to lead someone on a dog chain down the streets. That's absurd. Our sexual expression takes place in private and is as natural for us as straight gay sex or straight non-gay sex is for others. Actually, I think that most of the people I've met in the leather scene are better adjusted than the vast majority. For the most part we're comfortable

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with our sexuality and unlike others who are in all kinds of different closets, we do what we really want to do.


High Gear: What implements do you use in an encounter and how are they used? Alex: The most standard "tools" used are articles of clothing made of leather denim. These range from boots to leather underwear. In fact, there are catalogs of numerous "butch" wardrobes and gadgets which can be ordered by mail. Shops in New York, Chicago, and on the West coast specialize in leather (S & M) products.... A cock ring is often used, for example, as it maintains an erection for long periods of time. Of course, we can't forget ropes or handcuffs which are often used for bondage, a standard feature of an encounter. Things like chains, dog' collars, nipple clips, hoods, and harnesses are reserved for people who are heavily into the S&M scene. The use of all these instruments comes as close as possible to psuedo pain. In fact, I'd say the best master is one who is so talented that he successfully keeps the session as painless and pleasureable as possible. When I first started my activity in the leather scene, we would often improvise on what was available in the immediate household items like denim cut-offs, candles, belts, and ropes which can be applied at a much lower cost.

High Gear: When you first meet someone who is willing to engage in an encounter, are there any ground rules that are initially set?

Alex: There are always ground rules, and they differ with each person. Sometimes they're verbalized, but usually it is established what each person likes through foreplay. If you're sensitive enough, you can tell what the other person is positively responding to and what he is being turned off by.

High Gear: Some people say that every sadist is a masochist


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and vice-versa. Do you find that most people into S & M are switchhitters?

Alex: I'd say they know what they want. On the whole, we're not switch-hitters; but we have to have enough insight into what is needed on the other side. The slave has true control of the situation by letting the other person know if he's going too far. This is usually done in different ways. For example, sometimes in a session the slave may scream, "no, no, please don't" meaning "yes, yes, I'm enjoying it" but if the pain is exceeding the slave's threshold level, an immediate change in voice inflection will take place and a firm "No, stop" will relay the message to the master. Nearly all masters will stop in such a situation.

Because role-playing is of such significance in leather, tew people switch very often...Interestingly, some sadists cannot stand humiliation on any level and could never be masochists.

High Gear: Is there ever actual injury in an S & M session?

Alex: Rarely. Trust is so important in any encounter. If you can't trust the man who is propositioning you with your life, don't get involved! Occasionally, minor things like scars and bruised muscles which result accidentally may occur. To be honest, some danger does exist.: Accidents have happened where people have been killed.

Such incidents, however, are very rare and usually occur only to those who are deeply into the leather scene. If anyone does abuse a person against his will, he is often shunned by other members in the leather community for their display of mistrust.

High Gear: How greatly does one leather session vary from another?

Alex: Greatly. I've never had two scenes alike. There's so much variety in S & M sex. That's why leather couples are usually happier together than many other pairs. Their varied sex helps the love end of the relationship. Sex, anyway, is all about versatility. On the other hand, in a relationship, love needs stability. The leather. scene changes more than other sexual scene. I've ever been in including groups. The more toys you get the more ideas you have for approaches. A couple I know has at least 50 different ways of having sex that's also 50 different kinds of orgasm which makes their sex life colorful, to say the least.

High Gear: What role does humiliation play in an encounter?

Alex: It really depends again on the individuals involved. In my experiences, I've only included it once and personally didn't care for it. Humiliation is frequent but not a rule in the leather scene. It's like fistfucking not everyone's into fist-fucking.

High Gear: If a "straight" gay

were to meet an individual into leather, would you say that the typical leather person would respect his wishes not to have S & M sex?

Alex: I would say yes. Leather people are pretty much aware of other people's needs. Usually, a master will ask whether or not someone is into leather before going home with him. If he goes home with you, he most likely will go the straight sex route with perhaps a lower level of S

December 1975

& M, say, rough sex such as wrestling. You'd be surprised at how many people get turned on by just that. By and large, I'd say that people into leather are known for their "good sex."

High Gear: What do you feel is the mystique and attraction of leather?

Alex: Oh, I think the masculine texture and aroma. Anything coarse such as levis is also very attractive. Society has made leather somewhat of a taboo; and everyone knows how we all want to do things that are taboo. The equation of masculinity with leather also traditionally implies dominance and control. Sexual experiences are often associated with fabrics because of the touch factor. Many of our first experiences become ingrained in our minds. I grew up on a farm and I recall my adolescence was surrounded with levis, harnesses, etc. That may have something to do with it; I don't know. At any rate, leather people are much more likely to get into bales of hay. than they are satin sheets.

High Gear: What are some examples of the unspoken language used by leather people?

Alex: There are symbols like keys, of course. If someone wears their keys on the left, it indicates aggressiveness or a desire to be the master; conversely, those who wear keys on the right are telling others they are passive or slaves. This leftright combination, incidentally, alternates from place to place in the U.S...... A red handkerchief in the right rear pocket represents a recipient for fist fucking; one on the left indicates a giver....FFA are the initials for the Fist Fuckers of America, an organization whose members wear chains around their necks with a small fist showing. The chain is evidence that they have been successfully fist-fucked.... Earrings can also sometimes be a symbol. One dangling from the right ear means someone is bisexual; one from the left represents activity in leather. All of these actually vary in different regions of the country, so no one should see them as a uniform system especially outside of Cleveland.

High Gear: It is now "in the know" for contemporary society to say that everyone is bisexual. Do you think in like manner everyone has a capacity for leather or S & M?

Alex: Yes, absolutely. S & M or leather is by no means confined to gay people. There are an equal if not higher proportion of its devotees in the straight world. I think everyone at some time in their lives has had fantasies of domination or being dominated. Most, of course, don't want it as a steady diet; but it's still there in their subconscious, if not in the open. I personally believe everyone else has toyed with the idea of being raped, although there's no way to provide for that safely in many people's sex lives..You know, the psychological thing behind rape is rather interesting. I think. people want to be raped, not to